Welcome to the Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames' choice based lettings service
This service gives applicants to the Kingston Housing Register an opportunity to view and bid upon available social housing lettings in the Kingston borough.
Applications are placed into one of 5 bands depending on the presenting housing need. Details and links to the Housing Allocation Scheme, including how we band households can be found on our website.
Bidding is available to those who are active on the Housing Register but can be restricted to certain Target Groups. If a letting is restricted to a particular Target Group or Groups, this will be displayed on the weekly advert and bids will not be allowed from those in other Target Groups.
Bids made should also be for suitable size lettings which depends on the size of your household and your assessed need.
Before your bid is successful, we will verify your bid to make sure that it meets the criteria for an offer, and this will include checking whether you have any rent arrears with your landlord and if so, what you are doing to resolve this. It is therefore important that you keep your register record up to date.
If you are made an offer, you will then have seven days to view the letting from the date of your notification. If you do not view the letting within this time, we may withdraw that offer to you. It is therefore important that you contact us if you are unable to view within the time period.
For more details about Choice Based Lettings, please see the FAQs page.
If you would like more information or advice about applying for housing, please review the information available on these pages and the links offered.
If you have a query about your Housing Register entry please email Registration and Rehousing on h[email protected]